1: Simone Biles is thrilled that her husband Jonathan Owens conquered the Chiefs.

2: The victory brings joy to Simone Biles as Jonathan Owens takes down the Chiefs.

3: A proud moment for Simone Biles as her husband Jonathan Owens defeats the Chiefs.

4: Jonathan Owens' triumph over the Chiefs fills Simone Biles with happiness.

5: Simone Biles expresses delight as husband Jonathan Owens beats the Chiefs.

6: The Chiefs' loss brings satisfaction to Simone Biles through husband Jonathan Owens' win.

7: Jonathan Owens' victory over the Chiefs sparks joy in Simone Biles.

8: Simone Biles celebrates husband Jonathan Owens' win against the Chiefs.

9: The Chiefs' defeat by Jonathan Owens pleases Simone Biles.