"In 2024, Tony and Ziva reunite in a new NCIS spinoff. Discover how they navigate time and space with Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo."
"Paramount orders a unique journey through time and space with the beloved characters. Explore how they face new challenges in March 2024."
"Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo bring Tony and Ziva back to life in a thrilling NCIS spinoff. Watch as they tackle the mysteries of time and space."
"Embark on a cosmic adventure with Tony and Ziva in the highly anticipated Paramount series. Witness their exploration of time and space in March 2024."
"The dynamic duo of Tony and Ziva take on a new chapter in the NCIS universe. Follow their escapades through time and space with Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo."
"Experience the magic of Tony and Ziva's reunion in the captivating Paramount spinoff. Delve into the complexities of time and space as they navigate through March 2024."
"Join Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo as they revisit their iconic roles in the NCIS spinoff. See how Tony and Ziva confront challenges of time and space."
"Get ready for a mind-bending journey with Tony and Ziva in the upcoming Paramount series. Witness their adventures through the dimensions of time and space."
"Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo lead an exciting exploration of time and space in the new NCIS spinoff. Follow Tony and Ziva's quest in March 2024."