1: 1. Ziva and Tony reunion 2. New dynamic duo 3. Action-packed plots

2: 4. Nostalgic feels 5. Explosive chemistry 6. Emotional rollercoaster

3: 7. Intriguing storyline 8. Character development 9. Surprising twists

4: 10. Fan favorite returns 11. Mysterious pasts revealed 12. Riveting suspense

5: 13. Fast-paced drama 14. Heartwarming moments 15. Unexpected alliances

6: 16. Impressive performances 17. Crime-solving adventures 18. Connection to original series

7: 19. Strong female lead 20. Male lead charm 21. Compelling narrative

8: 22. Multilayered characters 23. True to NCIS legacy 24. Must-watch for fans

9: 25. Ziva and Tony reunite 26. Thrilling storytelling 27. Unforgettable television experience